Lava Lamp

Lava Lamp Experiment
I am always eager to find [new] fun things for kids. As part of our summer bucket list we decided to make a lava lamp. It was a really fun science experiment. So whether you home school or are planning a fun summer/after school activity – this is a must try kids activity!
Upscycled Kids Activity
You can up-cycle a water bottle or 2 liter soda bottle if you have them on hand. Fill them 1/3 with water.
Science Experiments for Preschool
Add vegetable oil until it is all but 1-2 TAB full.
Fun Things for Kids
Add several drops food coloring. It will fall through the oil in balls but mix once it gets to the water section.
Make a Lava Lamp
Next add 1 tablet Alka Seltzer Antacid Tab, broke up into several pieces, into the jar. It will start to bubble and and create a lava lamp.
amazing science experiments for kids
Fun things for kidsWhen the antacid tablet is no longer causing the lava lamp effect you can repeat the process.  If your child shakes the jar violently and the oil, water, and food coloring appear to have made one big colored mess – don’t throw it out. Give it a couple hours and you will see the oil & colored water separate again. Then go ahead and repeat the science experiment again.
